Main Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN2 3PF


Hackthorn Church Of England Primary School

A small traditional school with a modern outlook

Accessibility Plan

This plan has been updated with reference to Section 4.28 of The Equality Act 2010 and schools document prepared by the DfE (DFE-00296-2013).


This plan identifies how the school meets the needs of disabled pupils in response to the

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Code of Practice 2014: 0 to 25 years. This will be reviewed every two years by the Governing Body.


Definitions of SEND:

A child or young person has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or a disability if he or she:

  • has significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age or
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or colleges.

(SEND code of Practice 2014)


The school’s aims:

Our aim is to achieve maximum inclusion of all pupils, including those with SEND, and meet all pupils’ individual needs by removing barriers to participation and learning to enable them to benefit from learning opportunities within the National Curriculum. Part of our ongoing plans for development is to promote inclusive teaching (Quality First Teaching) across all subject areas and gain a greater understanding of students’ individual needs. Appropriate interventions will be implemented to enable students to progress and reach their potential. To meet the individual needs of our learners we:


  • Ensure that all learners with SEND have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Provide a differentiated curriculum appropriate to all learners’ needs and abilities.
  • Ensure the identification of all learners requiring SEND provision as early as possible in their school career.
  • Ensure that SEND learners take as full a part as possible in all school activities including extra-curricular activities and residential visits.
  • Ensure that parents of SEND learners are kept informed of their child’s progress and attainment.
  • Ensure that SEND learners and their parents are involved and contribute to the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle and where practicable, are fully involved in decisions affecting their future.


  • The Equality Act 2010:

The Equality Act 2010 sets out the legal obligations that schools, early years providers, post-16 institutions, local authorities have towards disabled children and young people;

  • They must not directly or indirectly discriminate against, harass or victimise disabled children and young people.
  • They must make reasonable adjustments, including the provision of auxiliary aids and services, to ensure that disabled children and young people are not at a substantial disadvantage compared with their peers. This duty is anticipatory- it requires thought to be given in advance to what disabled children and young people might require and what adjustments might need to be made to prevent that disadvantage.
  • Public bodies, including FE institutions, LA, maintained schools, maintained nursery

schools, academies and free schools are covered by the public sector equality duty

and when carrying out their functions must have regard to the need to eliminate

discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations between

disabled and non-disabled children and young people. They must publish information to demonstrate their compliance with this general duty and must prepare and publish objectives to achieve the core aims of the general duty. Objectives must be specific and measureable. (SEND code of Practice 2014)

  • The duties cover discrimination in the provision of services and the provision of education, including admissions and exclusions. (SEND code of Practice 2014)


Under the Equality Act 2010 schools should have an Accessibility Plan. The Equality Act 2010 replaced all existing equality legislation, including the Disability Discrimination Act. The effect of the law is the same as in the past, meaning that “schools cannot unlawfully discriminate against pupils because of sex, race, disability, religion or belief and sexual orientation”. According to the Equality Act 2010 a person has a disability if:

(a) He or she has a physical or mental impairment, and

(b) The impairment has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.


The Accessibility Plan :

The Accessibility Plan is listed as a statutory document of the Department for Education’s guidance on statutory policies for schools. The Plan must be reviewed every three years and approved by the Governing Body. The review process can be delegated to a committee of the Governing Body, an individual or the Headteacher. At Hackthorn Church of England Primary School the Plan will be monitored by the Headteacher and evaluated by the relevant Governors’ Finance, Staffing and Premises Committee.

The plan below sets out our current position and the proposals of the Governing Body of the school to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties in the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA):


Current position:

How accessible is the school?

We are a tiny village school which operates in an old building. However, the front entrance and all teaching areas are accessible with a wheelchair, as it is all on one level.

Modifications would have to be made to the school’s back entrance and toilet facilities if a child needed wheelchair access on a permanent basis. The school would have to liaise with the appropriate Local Authority Officer to determine how to implement any necessary building modifications.


  • Mainstream Teaching Assistants support a range of pupils.
  • A full-time First Aider accessible to students at all times of school day.
  • There are intervention lessons for literacy and numeracy and in other areas, where necessary, e.g. SALT
  • Students who have EAL are well supported.


Gathering Information:

Disabled pupils and staff are identified through self‐declaration and admission forms. Data protection legislation will be observed in sharing this information.

Disabled parents, governors and other school users are identified through self-declaration.

Data protection legislation will be observed in sharing this information.

Identifying Barriers to Access Part A -Physical Access

This section outlines the current provision made and any action that is required to make further provision that is required, or may be required in the future.




Action Required

The layout of areas allows access for all pupils, such as
Academic areas: e.g. classrooms, library All teaching areas are accessible and space is made to accommodate people with disabilities as required. Furniture re-arrangement as required
Sporting Areas: e.g. gym, outdoor sporting facilities No gym

Field on Main Street.

Village field used for PE, furniture moved when classrooms used for indoor P.E.
Social areas: e.g. cloakroom areas Non-slip floors Double doors may need to be opened to allow access for wheelchair users.
Play areas: e.g. playground, grass areas, covered outdoor area for Reception/Year 1 Safety surface around play equipment.

Ramp up to play area outside R/Yr 1 classroom

Access slope into Yr R/1/2 covered area if a wheelchair user joins the school.
Pupils who use wheelchairs have restricted access to some areas Most areas are accessible by wheelchair. However modifications would have to be made to the school’s back entrance and toilet facilities if a child needed wheelchair access on a permanent basis.


Individual plan to be drawn up for access to the field if a wheelchair user joins the school.
Pathways around school are safe and well signed.

Parking arrangements are logical and safe.


Parking is restricted 10m either side of the school at drop off and pick up times.

Emergency and evacuation systems INFORM ALL pupils. Alarms are auditory No

Alarms are all auditory

Fire drills are carried out regularly.

Visual alarm system to be installed if deaf/severely hearing impaired child joins the school
Signs are uncomplicated, and unambiguous. School décor provides appropriate contrast and harmony for pupils with visual impairment, autism or epilepsy Further signs required for clarity.

Outdoor quiet reflection area is available for children needing low stimulus areas.

Purchase and install new signs as required.
All areas are well lit Emergency lighting is installed in KS1 classroom and common areas.
Steps are taken to reduce background noise for hearing impaired pupils by considering a room’s acoustics, noisy equipment etc. All classrooms are separate. Noise between the classrooms is kept as low as possible.
Furniture and equipment selected, adjusted and located appropriately, e.g. height adjustable tables are available, low level sinks etc No height adjustable tables in school currently. Items to be purchased on arrival of children needing them.


Part B – Curriculum Access

This section has been adapted from Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils DfES 2002.





Action Required

All teachers and TAs have the necessary training to teach and support pupils with a range of disabilities. Teachers and TAs use strategies as recommended by specialist teachers and services, e.g. Working Together Team
Classrooms are optimally organised for disabled pupils As far as possible – some adjustment to the furniture arrangement may be needed if a wheelchair user joins the school
Lessons provide opportunities for all pupils to achieve, i.e. are differentiated and include work to be done by individuals, pairs, small groups and the whole class as appropriate Yes – see teachers’ planning and support timetables
All pupils are encouraged to take part in music, drama, and physical activities Yes – After school clubs, sports and music tuition are open to all pupils and all are included in these lessons
Staff recognise and plan for the additional time and effort needed by some disabled pupils, e.g. lip reading by hearing impaired pupils, slow writing speed for pupils with dyslexia Yes – Teachers’ planning and IEPs
All staff plan for additional time required by some disabled pupils to use equipment Yes – Teachers’ planning and IEPs
Disabled pupils who cannot participate in particular activities are given alternative experiences, e.g. some forms of exercises in PE/sport. Yes, where appropriate.

No children currently need alternative provision.

ICT equipment has been fitted with additional software/hardware to allow access for disabled pupils We currently have some apps for use with children of differing abilities. Further apps to be purchased as necessary.
School visits, including foreign visits, are accessible to all pupils, regardless of attainment or impairment Yes
All staff have high expectations for all pupils Yes – see Behaviour Policy
All staff strive to remove barriers to learning and participation Yes – teacher’s planning,


Part C – Access to Information

This section has been adapted from Accessible Schools: Planning to increase access to schools for disabled pupils DfES 2002.


Statement Evidence Action
Staff members are familiar with technology and practices to assist pupils, parents and carers with disabilities, e.g. positioning when talking to a hearing impaired learner. Teacher’s plans and classroom observations Training to be undertaken as necessary
All written communication follows an agreed house style using an appropriate font and size, e.g. Arial/Comic Sans Serif size 12 or larger on buff paper Preferred styles – Arial/Tahoma

Colour filters used for children needing them

Need to ensure consistency
The school liaises with LA support services and other agencies to provide information in simple, clear language, symbols, large print, on audiotape or in Braille for pupils/parents and carers who may have difficulty with the standard printed format. Yes, where appropriate and necessary, e.g. Working Together Team
The school ensures that both in lessons and parents meetings, information is presented in a user-friendly way, e.g. by reading aloud, using overhead projectors/Powerpoint presentations etc Yes


Hackthorn Church of England Primary School Access Plan


Improving the Physical Environment of Schools

Targets Strategies Responsibilities Time frame Success criteria


Maximise access of environment with low cost adaptations.

Environmental Audit

· clear pathways

· direct routes

· acoustics

· visual access

H & S reps, SENDCo and Headteacher Annually Accessible environment, increased pupil autonomy
Make low key adjustments to maximise physical access, improve acoustics and maximise visual clues – consult SEND team. As required
Incorporation of appropriate colour schemes and/or blinds when refurbishing to benefit pupils with visual impairment SENDCo, Headteacher As required Increase pupil autonomy/

physical access of the school

To improve access to designated areas. Investigate feasibility of improving access to field. Planned use of minor delegated resources and discuss with the LA using schools H & S reps, SENDCo, Headteacher Physical accessibility of school increased
To review regularly and at least annually as part of the SDP, all areas of the school in order to ensure there are no physical barriers to access for pupils with a range of disabilities. Continue implementation of plan. To track progress against original audit information.


To update the LA annually on progress and works carried out.

H & S reps, SENDCo and Headteacher Full physical access to the school and curriculum


Regular review of premises


Access plan progress reported to Governors

Hackthorn Church of England Primary School Plan


Increase the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum

Targets Strategies Outcome Time frame Success Criteria
Raised awareness of the curriculum needs of pupils with

· Autistic Spectrum Disorder

· Language and communication disorders

Programme of INSET at whole school staff meetings to include

Working Together Team

SALT, if required

Educational Psychologist

Overview of the needs of particular groups of pupils for all teaching staff Increased access to the curriculum for all groups
Clarification of support role of school staff in meeting needs of pupils with Speech and Language Difficulties

Raised awareness of the curriculum needs of pupils with:

· Severe learning difficulties

· Physical disability

· Visual impairment

· Hearing impairment

for whole staff, as required.

Work with SEN Service and SALT to agree role of school staff in supporting individual children Appropriate support for pupils with speech and language difficulties from school resources. Increased access to the curriculum through specialised support for pupils with speech and language difficulties
To ensure that the medical needs of all pupils are met

fully within the capability of the school.

To conduct

parent interviews, liaise with external

agencies, identifying training needs and establish individual

protocols where needed.


Ongoing Progress made by pupils
Train personnel in moving and handling techniques Identify staff to be trained as appropriate When necessary Appropriately trained staff to move and handle pupils with physical disabilities Increased inclusion and access to curriculum
Ensuring disabled parents have every opportunity to be involved Wheelchair access.


Arrange interpreters to communicate

with deaf parents.



As required

Disabled parents are not


against and are encouraged to take interest in

their child’s education.

Use of PIVATs throughout the school for pupils operating below Year 1 National Curriculum expectations. Training in use of PIVATs cascaded to the whole school SENDCo Effective target setting and increased curriculum access for pupils with severe learning difficulties.

Hackthorn Church of England Primary School Access Plan


Improving the delivery of information to disabled pupils

Targets Strategies Responsibilities Time frame Success criteria
To improve the

delivery of

information to

disabled students and parents.

Use a variety of ways of providing written

information for students, parents and visitors including text, e-mail, newsletters or phone calls, as appropriate.



Ongoing Enabling needs to be met where possible.



The performance of individuals continues to be monitored on a termly basis through progress meetings with the Headteacher and teaching staff. The performance of groups, including those with SEN and/or a disability, takes place on an annual basis with the SENDCO and relevant staff. In certain cases this might be on a termly basis according to need.

Hackthorn Church of England Primary School



Name of Document Printed By Tel. Contact Ref No
Special Educational Needs

Code of Practice Nov 2014

DfE 0370 000 2288 DFE-00205-2013
The Equality Act 2010 and schools DfE 0370 000 2288 DFE-00296-2013
Special Educational Needs

A guide for Parents and Carers

DfE 0370 000 2288 DFE-00547-2014
Supporting Pupils at school with Medical Conditions DfE 0370 000 2288 DFE-00393-2014
Autistic Spectrum Disorders Good Practice Guidance (01) and (02) DfES & DH 0370 000 2288 DfES/597/2002
Disability Rights Commission



DRC 08457 622 633


Disability Rights Commission (DRC) –


Department for Education (DfE) –


Special Educational Needs & Disability Tribunal (SENDIST) –



  • Senior member of staff responsible for Access Plan: Mrs Lister
  • Last updated: December 23