Main Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN2 3PF


Hackthorn Church Of England Primary School

A small school with a BIG heart.

Local Community

Annual School Events

Many annual events involve visits to the local church. These include services at Harvest, Christmas and Easter. In July, at the end of the school year, we hold a service to mark the departure of those pupils who will leave the school to continue their education at secondary school.


The Friends of the School hold many events throughout the course of the year. These include: Autumn and Summer Fairs, children’s
discos, Film Nights, cheese and wine evenings and ‘Bangers and Bingo’ to name but a few. Other school events include
‘bake-off’ competitions, charity fundraising events, theatre visits, participation in interschool sports competitions and musical performances


The Young Shakespeare Company visit school each year to carry out a workshop performance with KS2. In this way every KS2 child will experience four Shakespeare plays during their time with us. 

Year 5 & 6 pupils have the opportunity to participate in overnight residential trips and to date have stayed at Kingswood Activity Centre in South Yorkshire and Rand Farm Park in Lincolnshire. Year 5 & 6 pupils also participate in the ‘Bikeability’ cycle training scheme in school.


One of our most successful traditions occurs during the summer term when the whole school travels to Gainsborough Leisure Centre
and every child participates in swimming lessons. The children really look forward to this experience and it is a time when we get to see ‘nurturing’ skills in action as each older pupil acts as a ‘buddy’ for a younger child.


The ‘buddy’ system is often used for Reading, Spelling and also on school trips - such as our Christmas visit to Xscape in Yorkshire.


We are keen to offer our children lots of new experiences and believe that educational visits are extremely beneficial.


Some of our recent trips have included Xscape, Young Voices, Yorkshire Wildlife Park, Lincoln Mosque and the North Sea Observatory at Chapel St. Leonards.


The children are fortunate to receive sports training from a specialist coach, who also runs a range of after school clubs. Other school clubs include a running club, arts and crafts, gardening club and young enterprise.


Each year all the Key Stage 1 pupils take part in a Christmas play and later on in the academic year, all the Key Stage 2 pupils perform in a ‘production’. These have included musical plays such as ‘The Amazing Adventures of Superstan’, ‘Cinderella & Rockerfella’ and ‘Mystery at Magpie Manor.’


Five years ago we purchased a maypole and held an annual May Day dancing event ever since. 


Village map


Local Clubs

There are many local clubs. These include Welton Boys Football, Manor Park Golf Club, Market Rasen Rugby Club, Cricket Clubs, Martial arts etc. Please ask at school for up to date information and contacts.


Hackthorn Village Hall

 Hackthorn has a well equipped Village Hall near the beautiful old church of Saint Michael and All Angels.



During Roman times there was a settlement at Hackthorn, forming part of the Lindum Colonia, where soldiers were encouraged to settle on retirements. It is likely that that medieval village later took the place of the Roman settlement, being sited both where the present village stands as well as north of it, as excavations have revealed an almost continuous series of building foundations. Hackthorn is mentioned in the Doomsday Book, and the name Hackthorn may be from the old English words 'haca' (a hook or bend), or from 'hagathorn' (hawthorn).


The Church

The only remnants of the earliest church on this site (mentioned in the Doomsday Book), are the two arches that are incorporated into the North and West doorways of the present building, and some thick stone slabs of Saxon origin that were found when the present foundations were being laid.